NCSEAM Family Survey

NCSEAM Family Survey Update

Don’t forget, October is NCSEAM Family Survey month.  All programs should have received a shipment of surveys, cover flyers and stamped, self-addressed envelopes from Scantron the third week in August.  If by any chance you did not receive your new surveys, please let either Suzanne Gottlieb or Patti Fougere know as soon as possible.


Based on feedback from our stakeholders group, the cover flyer has been redesigned.  We hope that this new flyer will help service coordinators and families better understand the reasons for completing a Family Survey, where to look for assistance if needed and the options for returning it.


As a reminder, families can choose to put the Survey into the envelope provided and then mail it themselves or they can seal the envelope, initial it and give it to their service coordinator to mail.

Service coordinators will distribute the Survey to all families whose children have been enrolled for at least six months and who were not given a Survey last March.  Families are asked to complete a Survey once per calendar year.


Lists of children/families eligible to receive a Survey will be coming from DPH via Secure mail during the week of September 19.